Fan Bar and Grill has been doing well; The Vegetarian Society of Richmond is offering a vegan dinner at L’Italia


In the spirit of the new year we feel it’s appropriate to talk about a somewhat new restaurant. The at 1731 W. Main St. has been doing well in the first two and a half months of operation, says owner Tony Martin. No goofy gimmicks here to draw people in, just a thorough menu and fresh seafood every day, Martin says. Steaks, chops and sandwiches in a comfortable quiet setting. A bar and grill with a quiet setting — is that allowed? 11 a.m. – 2 a.m., Monday – Friday and 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Saturday, 355-4667. If you decided to kick meat to the curb as a New Year’s resolution, here’s your support group: The Vegetarian Society of Richmond is offering a vegan dinner at Restaurant in Canterbury Shopping Center, Jan. 10 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a choice of two entrees. Call 344-4356 for reservations or information by Jan. 8. Feel completely lost when you walk into the wine store? Have you always wondered if there’s a method to the way wine sits on the shelf? Is there a difference between what sits on the top shelf and what sits on the bottom? For $15 and an hour one Saturday, University of Richmond wine instructor Steve Fox can help you make heads and tails of the wine retail trade and help you buy with confidence. For information about his next class, send him an e-mail at


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