Terms of Service

The following terms and conditions apply to all content submitted in any format, including without limitation text, photos, videos, audio files, posts, comments, user ID/name, and any other material.

You agree that upon receipt of your submission Style immediately obtains the following rights with regard to all material submitted:

1. To display, publish, distribute, reuse, edit, modify, adapt, translate, exhibit, transmit, reproduce, create imitative or derivative works from, and otherwise use the material for any purpose.

2. To distribute the material through any and all of the multiple channels controlled and operated by Style or VPM. Forms of media controlled and operated by VPM include but are not limited television, radio, website, and various forms of social media.

3. To use the submitted material free of any fee, license, or royalty, and at no charge whatsoever to Style or to VPM.

4. To give credit, in Style’s complete discretion, by identifying the submitted material with the name given by the submitting person at the time the material is submitted or posted. No other personal information will be used. Style makes no independent inquiry into the authenticity of the submitting person’s identity; however, Style will not knowingly use the name of a submitting person in the event the identity is in doubt.

5. To remove, in Style’s complete discretion, any posts that include:

– Obscenity, nudity, harassing or defamatory content, or speech that disparages people or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other protected status;

– Comments or posts that target or threaten to harm individuals, groups, or organizations;

– Commercial advertisements or solicitations of funds;

– Endorsement or encouragement of illegal activities;

– Multiple off-topic posts or repetitive posts that are copied and pasted;

– Personal information including but not limited to e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, identification numbers, or details of personal health or financial information.

Style reserves the right to reject any and all submitted material in its complete discretion and is under no obligation to use any submitted material.

By submitting material to Style, you are representing unconditionally that the material comes from the individual submitting it; that it is genuine and original to you; that it has not been plagiarized, copied, or replicated from any published source; and that it does not violate the copyright, intellectual property rights, or other legal rights of any person or entity.

Style reserves the right to ban submissions from parties that violate these terms and conditions.

If you see any violations of these terms and conditions, we encourage you to contact us through the social media messenger function or via email at info@vpm.org.