X Marks the Concussion

The problem with boxing is this: not enough appendages in use. But look to the X-treme Gladiators fighting championships at the Richmond Coliseum Saturday, Sept. 23, at 7:30 p.m. So many extremities! Feet and fists join forces to lay into an opponent with some combination of kick-boxing, wrestling and martial arts. If it’s not mayhem, it’s at least mayhemish: Little guys fight little guys, large men pummel one another, and there’s even a local getting into the ring for his first pro fight — Colby “The Beast” Chapman. But if the sight of men fighting like octopi isn’t surreal enough, consider that Don Vito (the slob from MTV’s “Viva La Bam”) is the emcee, and there’s an added testosterone bonus — the Hottest Woman in Richmond will be chosen. She probably will not fight, however. But oh if she did! Tickets are $25-$75. Call 262-8100 or visit www.ticketmaster.com.

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