Your recent article by Scott Bass (“The Honeymoon’s Over”) couldn’t be more indicative of why the city of Richmond has never been able to rise to the level of the midsize cities such as San Antonio, Memphis, Tenn., or even Norfolk.
Once again, the city of Richmond is showing that it is more than willing to allow people from outside to come in and start a business, but once the city recognizes how profitable the company is they try and milk it however they can. The success of the Flying Squirrels is because the Squirrels organization and the people living in this area made it so. Now the city is trying to take that away by pulling its usual tricks of political grandstanding and stalling. Lou DiBella should receive award for having to deal with these people.
If the city loses the Squirrels I hope it doesn’t get another baseball team any time soon. Because it wouldn’t be fair to the people in the region or another organization to have to deal with the shenanigans of City Hall.
Stephen Bury