A Richmond renter who says he found a hidden camera in his bedroom is suing his former landlord for $1.3 million.
In the lawsuit, filed late last month in Richmond Circuit Court, Ryan M. Frizzell alleges that Tomas J. Arnaiz hid a camera and cell-phone transmitter in a bedside clock provided as part of the furnished apartment he rented in Bon Air.
The suit accuses Arnaiz of filming Frizzell and his girlfriend in states of “undress many times, as well as when they were engaged in intimate relations, and during routine bathing and toileting.”
In addition to the civil claim, Arnaiz faces criminal charges in connection with the alleged incident, including six felony charges related to the production of child pornography because Frizzell’s girlfriend was younger than 18 at the time of the alleged recording.
Arnaiz is being held at Richmond City Jail pending his trial. His lawyer, Craig Cooley, declines to comment.
In the lawsuit, Frizzell says he discovered the alleged recording because he occasionally unplugged the clock so he could plug in his guitar amp. After leaving and returning to his home, the suit says, he found the clock plugged back in and repositioned.