Weekly Food Notes: New Restaurants + Even More New Restaurants

Center of the Universe Brewing Co.’s Origin Brew Lab and all of its scientific trappings will celebrate its grand opening at the end of the week. Want to know more? Annie Tobie has all the details here. cotubrewing.com.

More Mexican fare is sailing into Short Pump, says Boathouse owner Keven Healy. He plans to open a second location of Casa Del Barco in Short Pump Town Center. And although the downtown location has a scenic canal view, you’ll be able to sit under the stars in this spots rooftop bar — and have 200 varieties of mescal and tequila from which to choose. casadelbarco.com.

I have an abiding passion for wings — there, I’ve said it. And I’m particularly happy to hear that Anchor Bar — the reputed inventor of my favorite snack — is opening in Stony Point Fashion Park on Feb. 18.

Spoonbread Bistro owner Michael Hall is planning to open a barbecue joint at at 105 N. Robinson St., right around the corner from his restaurant. Black Market Barbecue will open this spring, reports Richmond magazine. spoonbreadbistro.com.

Not content to have just two new spring projects going, Sur Taco and Sandwich and Flora, Michele Jones and Jason Alley, along with Flora partner Jay Bayer, plan to open a brewery/restaurant/arcade in — you guessed it — Scott’s Addition, the Times-Dispatch reports.

RateBeer.com’s readers are falling in love with Virginia beer. The Veil Brewing Co. is the No. 3 best new brewer in the world, as well as the best new brewer in Virginia. Mekong Restaurant is Virginia’s best beer restaurant, as well as one of the best places for beer in the U.S. Hardywood Park Craft Brewery took the best brewer in Virginia spot, Strangeways Brewing has the best brewery tap room and Lickinghole Creek’s Great Commander was awarded the No. 1 spot for best beer in the state.

Happenings: If you need a break from football mania and would rather start thinking about Valentine’s Day, on Sunday, Feb. 5, Blue Bee Cider will hold Chocolate Loves Cider, from 2-3 p.m. It’s a team effort that includes Gearharts Fine Chocolates and you can sample four pairings for $18-$20. bluebeecider.com.

Monday, Feb. 6, is pop-up night at Kabana Rooftop, when the Jackdaw crew makes it their way for a Japanese-influenced five-course kaiseki event. Tickets are $70 and include paired beverages. facebook.com/thejackdawrva.


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