Virginia Living for throwing it all together.
A congratulatory kiss to Virginia Living, a somewhat mixed-bag, glossy lifestyle magazine that has surprised even its creator with its strong beginning.
Deep-pocketed publisher John-Lawrence Smith launched the magazine at a time when many others, such as the arts journal 64, were shutting down — but the holiday issue of Virginia Living sold out in Barnes & Noble bookstores in Virginia, Maryland, New York and Washington, D.C. Smith also recently convinced Wal-Mart to carry the magazine in stores throughout Virginia and the surrounding states. The magazine’s growth is “exciting and kind of humbling,” he says.
We’d like to know how many people who received a Christmas gift subscription actually read all the 80-odd pages in the recent issue, crammed with a happily haphazard mix of the finer things in Virginia life: spies, skiing in fur hats, fox hunts, buxom bartenders, winter golfing, Virginia cheese makers and the spatial opportunities of period houses.