Vega and Lake Trout Put the Rock Back in “Post-Rock”

Lake Trout opened with two songs from their 2005 release, “Not You Them,” the least engaging of their three studio CDs. The crowd was less than enthusiastic about the newer stuff and waited patiently for the band to revisit its more electronic roots. With a few fits and starts, the band members finally hit their stride with a rocking, almost unrecognizable update of the Rolling Stones’ “Street Fighting Man.” At this, the crowd got with it and the fun really started. Guys shut up and the girls twirled. The songs got louder, longer and more frenetic as the band kicked into its second hour and the crowd showed its avid appreciation.

While Vega, which has been together about a year, has the chops and the creativity to make a strong mark, the members need to continue playing live to hone their stage presence and provide a total entertainment experience to their fans. Lake Trout, on the other hand, has been around for 11 years and tours relentlessly. The band’s experience shows — they totally engage the crowd and their songs finish strong, often segueing into one another. — Jeff Sadler

Vega plays Alley Katz on Jan. 20.


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