Theater organ story appreciated
Thank you so much for the well-written article about Richmond’s aging theater pipe organs (Cover story, Nov. 2).
I have been trying for over a year to interest Clarke Bustard of the Richmond Times-Dispatch in writing the same story, without any luck.
Please note that Wurlitzers came from North Tonawanda, New York, not North Towanda. Perhaps it was a simple typo.
Thanks again.
Frank Fitzgerald
Why men are emotionally stunted
George Nixon’s “Men and Pornography” (Back Page, Nov. 9) presented insight into the male psyche that recognizes the male dilemma about the female sex.
I was particularly impressed with the dimension of his analysis. The four interrelated reasons that men are drawn to pornography — mixed feelings about female sexuality, definition of male sexual needs, cultural training and the terror/mystification that males feel about females — are good explanations.
There are several good books on the subject, one of which is “Mothers and Sons” by Carole Klein in which she writes: “A man’s freedom from female (maternal) power may lie in never allowing himself to need a woman in any way. Merely consulting a woman for advice or guidance seems to bring him a dangerous step closer to being engulfed by her. This seems to be why otherwise liberated men said they could never work for a woman.”
Until this dilemma is faced honestly by men, they will continue to be emotionally stunted and socially backward. I congratulate Style Weekly for publishing George Nixon’s excellent Back Page essay.
Zelda K. Nordlinger
Slipek for City Council
Congratulations to Edwin Slipek Jr. for his excellent article “Tear Down City Hall” (Cover story, Nov. 16).
Of course, in my case, he is preaching to the converted. Some other suggestions:
Make City Council a full-time job (so the members can really do their jobs).
Vote Edwin Slipek Jr. for City Council.
Al Simons
And Mr. Van Patten would know
Thank you for mentioning that Dick Van Patten and Pattie Van Patten, our National Spokespersons, are here in Richmond (Street Talk, Nov. 16).
However, as Mr. Van Patten would tell you, Thermal-Gard is America’s No. 1 Replacement Window and not a storm window.
Steve Jacobson
Thermal-Gard USA
WTVR Channel 6 Executive Producer Jack Pagano left a FOX affiliate in Miami in May, when as a major in the U.S. Army Reserve he was activated to produce documentary videos of the Kosovo refugee crisis. He joined Channel 6 in July. Incorrect information was contained in a story about an incident involving Pagano at the Henrico County emergency communications center (Street Talk, Nov. 23). Style regrets the error.
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