+3The Jewish community marks the occasion of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year. A champagne-tipsy Sen. George Allen keeps asking where Dick Clark is.
-1Oscar the dog becomes famous after a VCU student puts an unauthorized spin on a VCU Adcenter class assignment, threatening on MySpace to kill Oscar during an Internet broadcast. Whatever happened to water balloons?
-3Speaking of hoaxes, more than 1,600 students at Manchester Middle School miss a day after a fake bomb is found at the school. It’s the most drama students have seen since the cafeteria scuffle over who’s bitchier on “Laguna Beach” — Cami or Kyndra.
-1The University of Richmond couple competing for a free wedding on NBC’s “Today” show comes in second place, disappointing millions of viewers who fell in love with the ultracute pair. Even Hugo Chavez offered them free oil.
+3Richmond Police Detective Marty Kochell helps deliver a baby boy at the intersection of Belvidere and Main Street — a boy later named Germont Kochell Antoine Spence. The real mystery: How did he get Main Street traffic to stop?
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