0Richmond Public Schools Superintendent Deborah Jewell-Sherman announces that she’s leaving when her contract is up next year — and really, she just wanted to announce it on her birthday, and this has been in the works for a while now, you know, and it just so happens that the city auditor recently discovered millions of dollars in school system waste. What does she think — that we all went to Richmond public schools?
-5Oh, and speaking of money out the door, Mayor Wilder’s budget includes double-digit raises for top city execs — 28 percent increases for those making more than $100,000, a T-D report finds. Defending his decision, Wilder asks: “Do you not tip good service as well? Do these people not refill your glass with civic responsibility and bring the salad of justice?”
-1He’s not happy: Circuit City investor Mark J. Wattles asks the ailing electronics company to kick out President and Chief Executive Philip Schoonover. Oh, and he does not want the in-store warranty and insurance.
-7University of Richmond officials investigate the simulated hanging of a black-faced elfin doll from a noose in a studio theater with the note, “Art is dead, long live art.” Maybe art is dead, but stupidity is alive and well.
+8Runners everywhere, 31,000 of them, in the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K, over cobblestones, around live bands, through the drizzle. On the sidewalks were 31,000 dads declaring, “It’s good for you! It builds character!”
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