-4 Redskins Training Camp’s opening day kicks off to low attendance, with the Times-Dispatch noting a bigger turnout for the Richmond Flying Squirrels game. And frankly, who doesn’t prefer an inoffensive rodent mascot and a few cold beers?
+2 A federal judge rules that Virginia is within its rights to stop issuing specialty license plates that bear the Confederate battle flag. But don’t worry, painting your car orange and making your horn play “Dixie” are still completely legal.
+3 Competing at the World Games with Special Olympics Virginia, Richmond athlete Mary Davis wins medals in boccie, with D.J. LaMarr landing a gold in unified play. Meanwhile, we broke out in a sweat trying to pry open the plastic packaging on our Fitbit.
+1 Richmond sky watchers experience a blue moon. Add in a few yellow moons, pink hearts and purple horseshoes and you have something magically delicious.
+6 Thousands of fans geek out at the weekend’s Wizard World Comic Con, which draws a pop-culture mash-up of superheroes, storm troopers, video-game characters and William Shatner. It’s events like these that remind us Spandex isn’t for everyone.