The Score

+4 Thousands of meat enthusiasts strike out across town for RVA Burger Week deals at 31 local restaurants — which, coincidentally, starts the week after the Richmond Vegetarian Festival. And the cows thought they were getting a reprieve, heh heh.

-3 Richmond experiences its first official day of summer, just in time for a heat wave to hit. Now those work-shirt pit stains are “official.”

+2 Attorney General Mark Herring helps mediate a complex agreement to keep Sweet Briar College open, at least for now, using donations pledged and money from the endowment. To further save money, diplomas will be printed on recycled diplomas.

-1 CBS-6 reports on the police discovery of 30,000-plus marijuana plants in Patrick County — the biggest outdoor crop of pot ever found in the state. Which explains why Patrick County was recently declared the Pringles Capital of America.

+7 In the wake of the Charleston tragedy, Richmond gospel musician Marcus Stanley, who is black, makes worldwide headlines for posting a message of faith to the shooter’s Facebook page, expressing love and urging him to seek forgiveness. A song worth singing.


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