The Score

A weekly rating of the city zeitgeist.

+10 The good news: Osama Bin Laden is dead. The bad news: Oprah must rebook the surprise guest on her final show, and we’re guessing Plan B is John Travolta. 

+10 Richmonders realize that they’ll always remember where they were when they heard the big news. For many, it was on their sofas, watching “The Apprentice,” hosted by a billionaire who doesn’t believe President Obama was born here. Go Team America!  

0 In the wake of the earth-shattering news, the Richmond Times-Dispatch gets to work on headlines. Abandoned at the last minute: “Obama Hogs Airtime for Political Theater: Rides Coattails of Bush’s War on Terror.” 

-1 Politicians across Virginia scurry to send out news releases with their official statements on Bin Laden’s death. Apparently George Allen piloted the helicopter, Jamie Radtke parachuted into the compound and Eric Cantor personally high-fived all the SEALs. 

0 The question looms: What’s next for national security? For us, it’s a lavender-scented bubble bath by candlelight while we enjoy the afterglow of our pat downs at Richmond International Airport. 


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