+10 The VCU Rams become the first Richmond team to head to the NCAA Final Four. There’s so much pride even those geeks in the engineering building feel cool.
+7 After VCU’s astonishing win against Kansas, the streets around the university fill up with boisterous students, creating traffic diversions and bringing out the police. Like, well, any other day.
-2 During the rowdy post-game celebration, a handful of renegade VCU fans climb atop a Channel 8 News truck. Come on guys, that’s the one station that can’t afford new stuff.
+8 Amid all the hoopla, ESPN reports that University of Richmond coach Chris Mooney is signing a 10-year contract extension with the Spiders. In related news, university President Ed Ayers has taken out a second mortgage on his home and turned the student commons into a casino.
+1 Dominion announces that it will open and close select window blinds on the Canal Street side of its office building to spell out “VCU — Go Rams” in lights. And in another display of support, if you peer into the 27th floor on the east side of City Hall at 3:15 a.m. on Thursday, the janitor’s gonna do a shadow-puppet show.