+3 The season of gun-control debates kicks off at the Virginia General Assembly, with proponents, opponents and lobbyists on all sides making their cases at the State Capitol. Can’t we just pull out our AK-47s like the Founding Fathers intended and settle this once and for all?
0 Former Gov. George Allen announces that in 2012 he’ll take another shot at the U.S. Senate, declaring that “It’s time for an American comeback with leaders who listen to ‘We the People.’” Allen’s hoping this new song will surpass his one-hit wonder, “Macacarena.”
-5 Developer Justin French pleads guilty to defrauding taxpayers in U.S. District Court. He hasn’t been sentenced, but there’s a chance he’ll head to the first house he ever lived in that wasn’t built on historic tax credits.
+6 New-to-the-scene Shockoe restaurant and nightspot Off the Hookah sees a surge in weekend revelers who roll in to check out the slick club concept brought from Florida, with flavored shisha smoked in hookahs and a kitchen run by Ed Blase. Which makes perfect business sense, because smoking from a bowl always makes us hungry.
+2 The T-D reports that the Quan Am Phat Dien Buddhist temple gets a visit from Cambodian Prince Norodom Yuvaneath, son of former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk and the half brother of King Norodom Sihamoni. Yet another case of Cambodian nepotism.