+2 Debbie Johnston of health care company Care Advantage goes undercover in Richmond, Calif., appearing on ABC’s “Secret Millionaire” to share some of her wealth with those in need. This is what Obamacare was supposed to look like.
+3 Gov. Bob McDonnell announces that Virginia is ending its fiscal year with a $585 million surplus, raising the total during his time in office to more than $2 billion. All that cash and Virginia still can’t afford to buy him his own watch?
+1 Richmond plays host to more than 600 travel executives, coming to town for seminars by the U.S. Travel Association. The cumulative effect of all that jet lag has sent us back to the antebellum.
+2 Community do-gooder Patience Salgado kicks off the Light of Human Kindness, an interactive mural featuring acts of compassion painted on an 80-foot wall at the old GRTC Depot. Get Happy the Artist anywhere near this and there’s going to be some kind of Disneyesque implosion.
+3 The PBS series “Antiques Roadshow” brings its appraisers to Richmond, with the T-D reporting on such treasures found as a watercolor worth $85,000, a brooch worth $65,000, and a basketball signed by the University of North Carolina’s 1982 championship team worth $10,000. Our Filet-O-Fish wrapper signed by Dirtwoman? Priceless.