A wonderful piece on the phenomenal VCU basketball team.
Your +10 rating for the VCU pride that is so evident on campus and in the city is well deserved. As dean of the School of Engineering, I must take exception however to your observation in The Score (Street Talk, March 30) that “even those geeks in the engineering building feel cool.”
In fact, engineering students are very cool. Two of the basketball team members — Heath Houston and D.J. Haley, mechanical engineering majors — as well as the team manager, Rafik Shoorbajee, a biomedical engineering major, are engineering students. No small feat. Many of our students are on their way to Houston now, probably doing their homework on the long bus ride. I am attaching a picture of two of them showing off the attire they plan to wear at the game.
We forgive your “Dick Vitale moment.” Thank you for celebrating with us this wonderful moment in the history of VCU and the city of Richmond. Go Rams!
Russell D. Jamison
Dean, School of Engineering
Virginia Commonwealth University