We looked forward to keeping rather unscientific tabs on how you viewed the city. Not surprisingly, though, answers became familiar. Some readers confused our poll with others. And we shuddered to think that one day we might have to add such categories as “Best dog groomer/Northside.”
So we’ve decided to spice things up. Our “Best of” has turned into “The Most,” a poll of superlatives with a focus on specifics. Sure, there is a “Best Restaurant.” But what is the most romantic restaurant? Or the most boring restaurant where you always end up?
Readers responded in droves, turning in more than twice the number of ballots as they did last year. And while some answers seemed as familiar as they did 10 years ago (snow, Ukrop’s, Gene and Sabrina, The Tobacco Company), other answers caught us off guard, raised our curiosity and surprised many of the winners.
We hope you enjoy The