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Tuesday, March 1
Public broadcasting supports a core function of government: educating our children. Now is not the time to foreclose on Sesame Street.
Thursday, Feb 24
As a performer and supporter of the arts, I was mystified by the recent interview with CenterStage's Executive Director Richard Parison in the Midseason Arts Issue (“New Kid in Town,” […]
No, Clark Mercer didn't kill the kangaroo. He bought it at a specialty meats purveyor in Northern Virginia. And Dave Hewes will quietly acknowledge that this bison was last grazing […]
I could only think, “Here we go again” when I read “Not So Easy: City Seeks New Slogan” (Street Talk, Feb. 9). I am hopeful that the Brandcenter can help […]
Among Richmond's business elite, nothing sets hearts a-thumping faster than news that more money might be available for higher-speed passenger rail. So it was titillating when President Barack Obama called […]
After our Feb. 9 Street Talk about RVA Creates, a campaign to seek public input on a stronger brand identity for Richmond, readers started sending in suggestions for city slogans […]
Update: Michael Meyers, general manager of the convention center, says the financial report issued by the convention center’s authority incorrectly listed overall attendance in 2010. The convention center’s overall attendance was […]
New music from the Decemberists, PJ Harvey, Jim Sullivan and more.
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