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The Cigar Family turns to a Powhatan artist.
OpeningVirginia Historical Society “Virginia’s Colonial Dynasties” opens Feb. 19 and runs through Nov. 27. 428 N. Boulevard. 358-4901.OngoingAgecroft Hall and Gardens Special events, tours and lectures are offered regularly. 4305 […]
Capsule reviews of current movies.
One call, one request — a single office fielding the questions.“That’s all I’ve ever known,” Wilder says. “If you’re speaking for the city government, then the city government should have […]
From their pens to your ears.
When informed of the demolition, Jamgochian was nonplussed: “It doesn’t hurt my feelings one bit. I was a Marine, and you get to the point where you can’t worry about […]
Where to go. What to hear.
OpeningCrossroads Gallery “European Travels,” an all-media show featuring the work of Christaphora Robeers’ students and more, opens with a reception, Feb. 18, 6-9 p.m. Through March 10. 2016 Staples Mill […]
Some of the paintings in “More Than a Perfect World” share common themes concerning human invention bordering on folly. In several paintings Kimura, a native of Japan who lives in […]
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