
No one is more concerned with preventing the collapse of an orderly society than Style Weekly. However, it is in the interests of Journalistic Integrity to inform the reader that Friday, June 2, is known in the circles of folks who keep up with obscure holidays as Leave the Office Earlier Day. The literature doesn’t mention a time for said departure, only that Americans should avoid working more than 40 hours this week. With that spirit of reckless freeloading in mind, check out high-energy instrumental outfit Soulive at Friday Cheers. Agile soul-jazz driven along by hip-hop beats, Soulive is elevator music … if you were dancing in Willy Wonka’s glass elevator. It’s a fine way to unwind after work or a teeth-cleaning — if you are also observing I Love My Dentist Day. Richmond’s DJ Williams Projekt opens at 6:30 p.m. Free. Call 788-6466 or visit www.citycelebrations.org.S

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