“A Tuna Christmas” A holiday sequel to “Greater Tuna,” the inhabitants of the third smallest town in Texas do their best to prepare for the holiday season. Written by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard, the Swift Creek Mill production has actors John Hagadorn and Richard Koch assuming the roles of more than a dozen characters each. Performances continue through Jan. 10. $35. 17401 Jefferson Davis Highway. 748-5203.
“Sander's Family Christmas” The Barksdale Theatre at Hanover Tavern presents this sequel to its 2007 hit “Smoke on the Mountain,” through Jan. 25. 13181 Hanover Courthouse Road. $38. For tickets and performance times call 282-2620.
“This Wonderful Life” The Barksdale Theatre at Willow Lawn reimagines this classic Christmas tale about Bedford Falls' George Bailey, with shows through Jan. 11. $32-$38. 1601 Willow Lawn Drive. 282-2620.