St. Edward’s Church cafeteria allowed fledgling punk bands to play, from 1994 to about 1999, providing a space for kids when many of them couldn’t see shows downtown because of their age or curfew laws.
James Menefee, bassist with Fun Size, notes that anyone younger than 18 caught downtown without a parent would be fined $500 — the band on this bill $500 Fine took its name from the law. Menefee says the church venue became its own scene.
“The youth minister, a wonderful man named George Martin, convinced someone at that church it would be a good thing for the community to host these shows,” Menefee explains. “I still don’t know how he did it. … There were many bands that got a chance to play that wouldn’t otherwise have had an audience.”
This reunion show will reunite six of these bands, five of which haven’t played since the end of the last millennium. Doors open at 6 p.m., bands start at 7 p.m. $10.