Sneed’s Vegas Gig Ends Before It Begins

Elizabeth Blau, executive vice president for restaurant development at the hotel, says the company wanted to make the change before the opening, “and things got confusing.” As for Sneed, she says, he decided that “the independent restaurant life was more what he was suited for” than “a big, corporate hotel structure.”

Sneed achieved culinary success at the former The Frog and the Redneck in Richmond. Last summer, he was running a restaurant in Charleston, S.C., when developer Steve Wynn wooed him away to his $2.7 billion casino, which will have 10 high-end restaurants run by such world-famous chefs as Daniel Boulud.

Sneed has bought a house in Vegas and says he’s exploring other options there. But he says he’s also interested in returning to Richmond. — Don Baker

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