Paul Curreri at Ashland Coffee and Tea
Charlottesville singer-songwriter Curreri approaches moody tunes with a wit that sneaks up on you. His lyrics and guitar work play with you a little before revealing the big secret: He seems to be having a pretty good time with all this, which seems almost blasphemous in the oftentimes sad, serious world of the singer-songwriter. His songs dance around the blues, kick around the country and end up laughing innocently, sometimes in the ditch. He plays with Drew Gibson March 31 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5. 798-1702.
Todd Snider at the Canal Club
Snider’s new album, “East Nashville Skyline,” might evoke the unpleasant images of rhinestone hats and big mullets with blond tips characteristic of the big country sound. Luckily, Snider has ridden over enough bumps in the road to have some good stories and a humorous humbleness that puts the sawdust in his voice and the rolling bounce in his songs. It’s a relief to see that the Nashville skyline still yields up some open. Tickets are $15 in advance, $17.50-$20 at the door. 643-2582.
Municipal Waste Video Shoot at Alley Katz
So your dream is to sweat and swear in the crush of a hard-core crowd. You think those screaming fans are faking it in all those videos? Well, the thrashtastic Municipal Waste gives you the chance to pop a blood vessel on camera with a live video shoot March 31. Having been signed to Earache Records, Municipal Waste now has an obligation to document its sweaty rise. And you’ll be right there with them, roaring your way into immortality. Baroness opens at 8 p.m. The show is free. 643-2816.
The Exboyfriends at the Modlin Center
It was inevitable that a cappella would discover rock, that the mythic guitar solo would somehow be rendered by human voices. The Exboyfriends harmonize their way out of New York and into the Modlin Center April 1 with percussive covers of Led Zeppelin, The Who and others, plus their own voice-rock originals. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $14-$28.