Rules of the Registry

Registry Dos and Don'ts



It may feel slightly greedy and you may not think you need anything, but if you are debating on registering, give up the fight and get it done. Your guests will thank you. They want to have some clue as to what you and your love need and want. And they’re going to go out and get you something anyway. So help them out already. Not to mention it saves all the time you would have spent returning all those toaster ovens.

Work Together

Think of it as a metaphor for your life together. Don’t go off and do the registering alone or send your partner out to handle it. Go together. Like peas in a pod. Take an inventory of what you both have and then decide on what you both will use and enjoy. If it’s easier, take turns being the one to make the final decisions. You take the gardening supplies; your partner chooses the china.

Choose a Range of Prices

Of course, you will have relatives who will be splurging on that expensive gift you’ve been drooling over. But you are also going to have guests who will choose to spend just a bit less. Be sure that your registry reflects a variety of prices for all budgets. That will allow your guests to comfortably choose a gift they feel is special.

Shine Your Light

Make sure all of your wedding helpers know where you are registered so they can spread the word. Whatever you do, don’t assume that everyone already knows your favorite store’s name.

Update Often

You may be surprised how fast those gifts fly off of your registry – particularly the closer it is to your engagement party, shower or your big day. Make it a habit to check the site regularly so that you always have a good selection of gifts listed for your guests.


Don’t Delay

We know, we know. There is a lot to do to get ready for the wedding. But, your registry is something that although it may take some time upfront, will save you lots of time down the road. Think no returns. So set up your registry as soon as you can after your engagement and keep it updated all the way up to your wedding day and beyond.

Don’t Skimp on Services

Make sure your registry includes those options that make it easier for everyone. Things such as gift tracking, list updating, gift-wrapping, shipping, exchanges or returns are critical. If you have a large number of out of town guests coming, consider including an Internet registry so that guests can purchase for you with just the click of a


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