Pit bulls and heavy metal go paw in hand. The two are so inexplicably linked that Brooklyn, N.Y., grind-core metal band Caninus has had not one but two pit bull terriers as “singers.” As strange as that may sound, the pairing makes perfect sense to those well versed in both the canine breed and metal. Ring Dog Rescue, the Richmond nonprofit listing adoptable pit bulls from local rescue and animal welfare agencies, holds a charitable metal concert Saturday at Emilio’s with Cut the Architect’s Hand, Bearstorm, Venomspitter and Uproar. While the music will be a pummeling onslaught, the much-maligned dogs deserve plenty of cuddly love and attention. They’re only scary when contemptible scumbags such as Michael Vick bring out the worst in them. Doors open for the night of philanthropic metal at 8 p.m. Admission is $5. emiliosrva.com.