Goapele even sounds good in a picture. Bay Area-based objet d’art Goapele (let me spare you the trouble: Gwa-pa-lay. Meaning “to move forward” in the South African Sitswana language) brings to R&B something very catlike, from slow purrs to a definite yowl, the kind of voice that draws tomcats from alleys. And we, the audience, are the ball of twine, subject to the playfulness of her music, full-bodied soul mixed with the catnip of hip-hop and electronica pulses. On her second album, “Change It All,” Goapele focuses on her interest in making positive changes in the world, as well as wooing it. She plays the Hyperlink Café Thursday, April 27, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $15-$25. 254-1942. S