Rosette Quartet launched its latest So Hot Right Now series at a house party on a recent Sunday night. The series champions the work of living composers over a month-long series of chamber concerts. This month the focus is on Chickasaw composer Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ Tate, who weaves Native American culture deeply into his pieces. (The extended middle name is the composer’s inherited “house name” – the equivalent of a European surname.)
The two works in the set are both impressive and charming. The first, “Moonstrike,” is a three-part anthology of moon-based folklore tales: a Native American “Peter and the Wolf” with the themes introduced and played between each section. The second, the six-part Hopi/Pueblo-influenced “Pisachi” was originally written to accompany a visual presentation but works perfectly well without it.
Contemporary classical music can be a hard sell. It can seem at once hopelessly old-fashioned and incomprehensibly modernistic, combining the most off-putting features of New Orleans ragtime and ‘60s free jazz. This series provides convincing proof that, in the right hands, it can come vibrantly alive with warmth, humor, and intensity.
There are four more performances of this program and all the shows listed below start at 7 p.m.
Artspace on Oct. 12. Tickets are $18.
Minimum Wage Recording on Oct. 18 (Free, but registration is required, and few spaces were left at the time of this writing)
Sub Rosa Bakery on Oct. 22 ($10 suggested contribution)
Westover Hills Library on Oct. 30. (Free and family-friendly. Space will be left up front to allow children to get close to the instruments.)