Officials Must Be Driving Blind

I spewed my coffee all over your Feb. 16 cover story about Mayor Dwight Jones (“Halfway There”), in which Delegate Manoli Loupassi remarks that, “I haven't worked with Jones too much, but I feel like the potholes are being fixed.” Like where are you driving, Mr. Loupassi?

Certainly not in your old neighborhood of Cary Street in the West End, or the Cary Street Road hill. Certainly not in the Museum District, nor on most streets in the Fan. Many of the side streets in two of these districts are beyond pothole fixing and are in need of resurfacing or repaving. Grove Avenue, Main and Cary streets are worn out and should be resurfaced from Virginia Commonwealth University to Thompson Street.

The residents of these neighborhoods pay a large percentage of the property taxes into the city's coffer and ask for very little in return. You would think that six-month-old potholes would be fixed, but most people who drive these streets daily will tell a different story. I encourage the mayor, his public-works team, as well as Loupassi to take a tour of these neighborhoods — but drive a John Deere tractor and leave the BMWs and Mercedes Benzes at the office.

Bill Beville


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