Meredith also participates in the German Club, French Club, Future Culinary Community Leaders of America and SOHO (Student Organization Helping Others). In SOHO, she tutors children from Pemberton and Gayton elementary schools. “Tutoring is so much fun,” Meredith says. “I like helping out kids. They are so innocent. I love being with them.” Meredith is also a member of the Pep Squad, Step Team and the advanced Silver Strings Orchestra — she’s been playing the violin since age 7.
In her spare time, Meredith, who has a 4.68 grade point average, works at Chick-fil-A. “It’s a good way to learn responsibility,” Meredith says. “I want to save money to make a down payment on a car.”
“Meredith is a take-charge person,” says her grandmother, Willene Guttenberger. “She is so effervescent and outgoing. She’s as busy as any young woman I know.”