Hey now, it’s time to celebrate that holiest of party days: Mardi Gras. And Dogtown Dance is bringing some New Orleans flair to Richmond for the seventh year running with its family-friendly Mardi Gras RVA event. The party kicks off with a five block parade at 3 p.m. in Manchester with everyone welcome to join. After that, there’s a dance party at 4 p.m., live jazz music with Maroon Corey Group and free New Orleans king cake and of course, plenty of beads. Dogtown performers, Sophia’s International Cuisine and Legend Brewing will be on hand, and there will be mask-making and face painting options galore. $5 to $15. Children younger than 5 free. 3 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. dogtowndancetheatre.com.