Local H, Vacant Stairs and Red States at the Canal Club

Friday, April 18. 7:30 p.m.

The American Midwest is the home of rock ’n’ roll. And since 1990, Chicago’s Local H has been one of rock’s most fervent believers with the group’s lone original member and driving force, guitarist, vocalist and songwriter Scott Lucas, preaching the gospel intrinsically linked to its place of birth. Because this is a duo, comparisons to Detroit’s White Stripes and Ohio’s Black Keys are obvious. But the group’s streamlined, sweaty appraisals invoke the hard-edged pop of fellow Illinoisans Cheap Trick and spiked punk ’n’ roll of the Windy City’s Naked Raygun more than its better known contemporaries. Lucas and new drummer Ryan Harding continue to deliver their somatic sermons as if their lives depended on them. Local H plays Friday, April 18, at the Canal Club with Richmond’s Vacant Stairs and Red States. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $12-$14. thecanalclub.com.


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