Reynolds Gallery brings together three exhibits that look at simplistic ideas in a new light. Daniela Campins’ “Liminality” is a collection of prints and paintings expanding on deconstructed, bold architectural forms and “PET” by Nancy Lupo consists of sculptures that force a collision between new forms and objects that already exist, producing new shapes. Campins and Lupo are both 2011-2012 Fountainhead fellows at Virginia Commonwealth University. The third exhibit, “I glove U,” features painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and video and focuses on varied representations of the figure through works by Katherine Bernhardt, Greg Bogin, Bonnie Collura, Anne-Liste Coste, Holly Coulis, Matthew Fisher, Victoria Fu, Joan Gaustad, Ridley Howard, David Humphrey, Kurt Kauper, Robert Melee, Ester Partegas, Javier Peñafiel, Amy Sillman, and Nicola Tyson. The opening reception for the artists will take place at Reynolds Gallery on Friday, May 4, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. These exhibits run until June 15. 355-6553.