As I watch all the debate over the Confederate flag and statues, I would like to point out a couple of things.
I find it a bit funny that people today think they are so much more enlightened than Lincoln and Grant who both had affection for Robert E. Lee. If you view pictures of the reunions at Gettysburg, soldiers of both armies met and had an appreciation for each other and their shared experiences. Somehow people today seem to be so pretentious that they feel they are better to judge the Southern soldier than people who actually fought against them.
A hundred years from now everyone who is debating this issue will be long gone and forgotten. I believe most people who actually have knowledge of the war, not the people who could not even name the years it was fought, will remember the Southern soldier with pride. So argue all you want, take all the monuments down, the knowledge of these people will be here long after all the talking heads are ashes in the ground.
Matthew Fitch