Thank you for the Cover Story “Things Just Got Real.” Reporter Tom Nash invested enormous time studying a very diverse community.
To remain pertinent a nonprofit must always be a work in progress. Communities constantly change as do people’s expectations and needs. It is the responsibility of the nonprofit to recognize those changes and work to maintain a high level of service. Otherwise the organization will become obsolete.
Our re-branding project that Nash mentioned began two years ago when we partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University and conducted a community-wide needs assessment. That was followed by numerous focus groups and community conversations. We are now developing a long-range strategic plan that will include a name change among many other aspects of service. It is an exciting time.
Our mission is to support LGBT friendly organizations. Over the past 10 years we have contributed more than $850,000 to community organizations through proceeds of Diversity Thrift and Diversity Bingo. While we are ever-changing, a constant is that our help will continue as we work to help create a society of equality for all.
Beth Marschak, Board Chair
Bill Harrison, Executive Director
Gay Community Center of Richmond