There was only one lecture/seminar that I had any interest in attending during these past few days and that was the ‘Taste Forum Tequila’. The bar that I tend at specializes in tequila and as such, I drink a shit-ton of tequila. So this forum was of interest.
The short form recap (because again, I’m buzzed…and in general I’m just really lazy.)
– 12 tequilas and a shred of real agave were placed in front of me. Instant boner.
– A hip, young, highly afro’d Scottish gent (Imagine Jaden ‘Will’ Smith as a grown up) was our presenter. He failed to give us his name but he was very intelligent and quite funny. I enjoyed the drunk on tequila misadventure anecdotes that he dispersed in between his lecture portions.
– A young (ish), very beautiful girl named Sophie Decobecq was in the seminar and I noticed that she was sporting a very cool/ironic hipster tequila t-shirt. I wanted one for one of my co-bartenders who also shares my passion for the Mexican juice so I struck up a conversation. Turns out that Sophie started and runs Calle 23 Tequila, a relatively new brand in the market. I promised to pick up a bottle at my bar in exchange for a t-shirt.
– The presentation was somewhat middle of the road. ‘What notes do you get from this one?’, ‘The nose gives a slightly vegatative bouquet.’, ‘Blah Blah Blah’. Although our presenter kept it entertaining by not being too geeky with his descriptions.
– My favorite tequila from the workshop was infact my second favorite tequila from the bar that I tend at. Tre Generaciones Reposado. (Don Julio anything is my numero uno)
– After reading my previous blog post, one might assume that I drank tequila today like I was Pancho Villa on a 4 week bender. One’s assumptions would be correct.
Viva la Bar Convent Berlin!!!!