Independent Review of Ballpark Plan Looks Likely

Last week, City Council passed a resolution saying it wants to hire an independent consultant to review pretty much every aspect of Mayor Dwight Jones’ proposal to build a ballpark in Shockoe Bottom.

But to do it, council said it needs $50,000, and it falls to the mayor to introduce any mid-year budget amendment.

And so, council’s quest for an independent review of the mayor’s proposal is dependent on the mayor making the funds available.

Happily for City Council, which specified that it’s interested in opinions from experts with no financial stake in the proposed development, Jones is going to go along with the request.

The mayor’s press secretary, Tammy Hawley said this week the administration’s staff is drafting the necessary paper, and that it is “being prepared as requested.”

Councilwoman Michelle Mosby, who proposed the resolution with Councilwoman Ellen Robertson, said she’s pleased the administration is moving forward with the request.

More on the proposed independent analysis and what it would cover here.


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