Heath Haynes and the Crying Shames

Running the Show

In a place like Richmond, with an eclectic music scene where bands play all corners of the city, getting your name out on the street is a necessity. Haynes has helped build a following by handing out flyers from his job behind the bar at Comfort, selecting the music that sets the tone for the restaurant and keeping a steady roster of friends and acquaintances in the audience. The May 2004 release of their first full-length album, “Spring Release,” and tours of the Northeast have also helped.

“Really anytime anyone goes out to see music in this town, they’re going to see their buddy’s band or something, or they’re going to see something they heard something about,” Haynes says. “Nobody really just shows up and sees whatever band’s playing because there aren’t really those types of places in Richmond. But it’s definitely a lot of who you know and the people who come out to your shows and who they know.”

Locally, Haynes has made a sort of home for himself and his bands at Out of Bounds. In addition to the Crying Shames shows and his solo acoustic gigs, Haynes is also a part of The Damn Torpedos, a Tom Petty cover band, and The High Life, a rock band that plays early ’70s music. All of these groups play at the Broad Street sports bar. He’s also encouraging his friends’ bands to play there.

“I’m trying to get a scene happening at Out of Bounds,” he says, “where people will go up there on a Friday night whether or not they’ve heard of the band and expect to see something cool.” — Shannon O’Neill

Heath Haynes and the Crying Shames play Style Weekly Night at Innsbrook After Hours May 11, opening for Grand Funk Railroad. Show starts at 6:30 p.m.. Tickets $10 in advance. They also play May 21 at Out of Bounds, 10 p.m., $5. www.heathhaynes.com

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