Giving Back

Our fourth annual nonprofit wish list.

It’s the week after Christmas. Time to figure out where to put all your new stuff. But before you drag that tree to the curb, and with it your giving spirit, how about choosing just one more present for someone who needs it.

For the fourth year Style Weekly — with the help of nonprofit networking resource Connect Richmond — asked local nonprofits to send us their wish lists. They flooded our e-mail box with specific needs you may be able to fulfill — gift picks from $5 to $150,000 that will make a difference.

Considering the wide variety of nonprofit missions we’ve listed below, you’re sure to find one that sparks your interest. We don’t have room to run them all here, but the complete list is online at And if you plan to give to an organization you know little about, spend a minute doing your homework with the Better Business Bureau ( or 648-0016).


Nonprofit: Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) provides child-abuse prevention and treatment services in the Greater Richmond area.

Gift pick: Therapeutic supplies for a child receiving mental-health treatment for severe physical or sexual abuse.

Price: $25

Contact: 257-7226

Web site:

Nonprofit: ChildSavers of Richmond/Memorial Child Guidance Clinic delivers professional prevention and treatment services to strengthen the spirit, skills and confidence of children and families.

Gift pick: Therapeutic anatomically correct 18-inch poseable doll.

Price: $40

Contact: 644-9590, ext. 3007

Web site:

Nonprofit: Comfort Zone Camp provides a fun and safe place for grieving children ages 7-17 who have lost a parent, sibling or primary caregiver. We offer camps, primarily on weekends, that combine traditional camp fun with activities to help children heal and cope with a significant loss.

Gift pick: If you can’t afford to send a child to camp ($500), consider sponsoring an out-of-town parent to stay in a local hotel while their child is at camp.

Price: $70

Contact: 377-3430

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Richmond Midnight Basketball League works to meet the societal and recreational needs of underserved youths 11-17 and young adults 18-28.

Gift pick: Two vans for transportation and 40 tickets to an educational workshop at Valentine Museum for the fifth-graders at A.V. Norrell Elementary School.

Price: $360

Contact: 782-0700

Web site:

Nonprofit: Virginia Police Chiefs Foundation sponsors a free week-long youth leadership program, the Commonwealth Youth Conference for Leadership Effectiveness (CYCLE). It provides teens with skills in personal leadership to make more effective and appropriate decisions in school, their communities and throughout their lives.

Gift pick: Sponsor one teenager’s attendance at CYCLE.

Price: $750

Contact: 285-8227

Web site:

Nonprofit: Partnership for the Future is a college preparation and youth employment program. Its mission is to ensure that every motivated student with limited resources has a workplace internship in high school and can attend the most selective college of their choice.

Gift pick: Cost for a bus to take students to visit a college.

Price: Entire bus: $910; one student: $20.

Contact: 967-2512

Web site:

Nonprofit: Chesterfield CASA Inc. provides trained court-appointed volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children who are the subject of judicial proceedings.

Gift pick: One year of advocacy services for a child.

Price: $1,000

Contact: 276-7660

Nonprofit: One of the oldest nonprofits in Richmond, Friends Association for Children has been serving Richmond’s children and families since 1871 through child care and family support services.

Gift pick: Musical instruments for a new music program.

Price: $2,000

Contact: 644-2357

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) provides support, education, advocacy and opportunities for Greater Richmond’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth through support groups, a youth support hotline, leadership training, outreach and education services.

Gift pick: A color copier/printer/scanner (i.e., features of Toshiba e-STUDIO 211C).

Price: $20,000

Contact: 644-4800

Nonprofit: Capital Child Care Center provides affordable day-care services and educational experiences for low-income families receiving social services and living below the poverty level in Richmond and Henrico and Chesterfield counties. We offer families a safe haven to leave their children while they receive emergency medical care and maintain employment. Our children are victims of families experiencing abuse, domestic violence and homicide.

Gift pick: A used 15-passenger van so we can retire our 1988 van used to transport children between home and school.

Price: Varies

Contact: 359-8821


Nonprofit: Lab Rescue of Greater Richmond rescues homeless Labrador retrievers in the greater Richmond area and offers them for adoption to loving homes. We provide medical care and foster care until adopted.

Gift pick: Spay/neuter of one of our Labs.

Price: $50

Contact: 417-7527

Web site:

Nonprofit: 1708 Gallery expands the understanding, development and appreciation of contemporary art.

Gift Pick: Business-sized shredder.

Cost: $150-$200

Contact: 643-1708

Web site:

Nonprofit: Maymont Foundation supports Maymont and its estate, nature center, gardens, animals and educational programs. Maymont is open admission-free year-round.

Gift pick: Plant a tree at Maymont in honor of, or in memory of, a special person. Or underwrite identification signs for 25 trees at Maymont and raise Richmond’s arboreal intelligence level.

Price: $250

Contact: 358-7166, ext. 326

Web site:

Nonprofit: Art6 is a member-run gallery dedicated to promoting and showcasing quality contemporary visual and performing arts, and offering opportunities for education, community outreach and creative interaction.

Gift picks: A computer to better handle the business of art and artists.

Price: $450

Contact: 233-3273.

Web site:

Nonprofit: SlamRichmond is dedicated to excellence in spoken-word poetry on the team and individual levels. We hold a 13-event series of qualifying events for poets of all economic and educational backgrounds to represent Richmond at the 2007 National Poetry Slam in Austin, Texas. It culminates in SlamRichmond’s Second Annual Championship Invitational.

Gift pick: Round-trip airline tickets from Richmond to Austin for a team member to represent Richmond on a national scale.

Price: $500


Web site:

Nonprofit: Curated Culture inspires economic and community development in the Richmond region by expanding public awareness of and exposure to arts and culture. It’s the organization behind First Fridays, Richmond’s most celebrated arts program.

Gift picks: MacBook Pro laptop computer to replace a PC on the fritz.

Price: $2,000

Contact: 344-1508

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Richmond SPCA is a no-kill humane society dedicated to the principle that every life is precious. It saves the lives of more than 3,000 homeless dogs and cats each year.

Gift pick: Help Huxley walk, maybe even run, again. Huxley is an adorable young beagle/basset mix whose pelvis and femur were broken by a hit-and-run driver.

Price: $2,000 for surgery and rehabilitation of Huxley’s hip and leg.

Contact: 521-1308

Web site:

Nonprofit: The SOS Pen Pals program is a partnership between Save Our Shelters (SOS), a nonprofit animal rescue, adoption and advocacy organization, and the Virginia Department of Corrections. It’s designed to lower the rate of euthanasia in Virginia’s public pounds and promote rehabilitation and provide job skills to inmates via prison-based animal shelters and training programs.

Gift pick: A new front door, vinyl flooring, lumber and supplies to screen in the porch area surrounding our cat shelter at the Pocahontas Women’s Correctional Facility.

Price: $2,500

Contact: 358-7499, ext. 4

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Firehouse Theatre Project brings bold contemporary American theater to the Greater Richmond area.

Gift pick: Canon ImageRunner 2830 B&W office copier.

Price: $3,700

Contact: 355-2001

Web site:

Nonprofit: Richmond Animal League is committed to reducing the homeless animal population in the greater Richmond area.

Gift pick: A mobile spay/neuter van to take into the community to provide low-cost spay and neuter operations to shelter animals and animal of needy families.

Price: $150,000

Contact: 379-0046

Web site:


Nonprofit: The Youth Life Foundation of Richmond operates after-school learning centers for children in Richmond’s at-risk communities. The foundation currently works in the Glen Lea area and soon will be in Highland Park. (Official affiliate of the Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation.)

Gift pick: New books for children from kindergarten through eighth grade for a new learning center.

Price: $5-$10 per book.

Contact: 266-1616

Web site:

Nonprofit: The READ Center helps low-level reading adults develop basic reading and communication skills through one-to-one tutoring so they can fulfill their goals and their roles as citizens, workers and family members.

Gift pick: Curriculum-based materials for one adult literacy student for a year.

Price: $25

Contact: 353-1587

Web site:

Nonprofit: Goodwill of Central Virginia assists individuals with obstacles to employment to achieve their highest degree of economic and personal independence.

Gift pick: Résumé assistance and community voice-mail for eager job-seekers.

Price: $35

Contact: 745-6300

Web site:

Nonprofit: The 112-year-old St. Andrew’s School, located in Oregon Hill, educates children of limited financial resources through a balanced academic, social and spiritual experience.

Gift pick: A new iron entrance gate to replace the chain-link fencing around the school ($15,000). If you can’t afford that, we need sports equipment for children ($1,000) and magnetic dry-erase boards (4 at $200 each).

Price: $200-$1,000

Contact: 648-4545

Web site:

Nonprofit: Read Aloud Virginia works to break the cycle of illiteracy and crime by empowering and mentoring families, teachers, librarians, volunteers and others to read aloud daily to younger children — thus promoting education, citizenship and positive career choices and life goals.

Gift pick: Office rent for a year.

Price: $13,500

Contact: 285-0457

Web site:

Nonprofit: Since 1855, Jackson-Feild Homes, in Richmond and Jarratt, has been a residential and educational option for at-risk girls 13-21. Our mission is to educate, equip and empower girls for a brighter future.

Gift picks: A scholarship for a pregnant teen to receive education, therapeutic services and behavioral support on campus during her pregnancy and after her child is born, enabling her to complete schooling and learn parenting skills.

Price: Up to $50,000

Contact: 354-6929

Web site:


Nonprofit: Tricycle Gardens works to build community gardens, provide education. and encourage sustainablity throughout Richmond.

Gift Pick: A copier machine

Price: $400

Contact: 231-7767

Web site:

Nonprofit: Virginia Conservation Network empowers more than 100 environmental groups statewide, assisting them in their work and giving them a voice in Richmond.

Gift pick: A Wi-Fi-ready laptop to enable instant Web site updates and e-mail action alerts from the state capitol and on the road.

Price: $900

Contact: 644-0283

Web site:


Nonprofit: Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged works toward self-help rehabilitation for at-risk youth, prisoners, ex-offenders and their families.

Gift pick: GED study books for the Sponsor Inmate Rehabilitation Through Education (SIRE) program.

Price: $15 per book; $25 and up donation toward community college tuition (1-3 credit course, $250).

Contact: 562-2123

Web site:

Nonprofit: Commonwealth Parenting helps parents and caregivers develop effective parenting capabilities through knowledge, support and skills development. Our classes help parents define a parenting plan with which they feel comfortable and, at the same time, give them confidence in their own parenting skills.

Gift pick: Class scholarships for skill-building regarding effective discipline, new-baby care and single parenting.

Price: $40 per hour, or $120 for a three-session series.

Contact: 545-1272

Web site:

Nonprofit: Lutheran Family Services is dedicated to finding foster families for waiting children so they may have a permanent and loving home. We also provide services to keep families together when children are at risk of being removed from the home.

Gift pick: Scholarships for foster kids to take dance, music or karate lessons, learn to horseback ride, or go to summer camp — the extras that help give a child a childhood.

Price: $250 per child

Contact: 288-0122

Nonprofit: AdvoCare works to reduce crime through positive criminal justice reform and prevention. A major focus is on facilitating healthy relationships for children with incarcerated parents. AdvoCare collaborates with Women in Transition to support the Messages Project, which provides much-needed connections to children with incarcerated parents through the use of film media.

Gift pick: Sony video camera package with Arrie lighting and HP editing equipment.

Price: $7,230

Contact: 677-8421

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Giving Heart helps provide opportunities, assistance and donations to those in need. Much of our assistance revolves around the annual Community Thanksgiving Feast.

Gift pick: Year-round storage space from 2,000 to 10,000 square feet, allowing us to sort and store collected items until they are needed.

Price: In-kind donation for those with extra space to offer; otherwise cost is estimated in the $25,000 range.

Contact: 749-4726

Web site:


Nonprofit: The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation of Central Virginia raises money to find a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Gift pick: If you can’t afford to help fund a JDRF research project like the artificial pancreas ($5,000+), how about purchasing a vintage “Vote for Elliott” JDRF T-shirt? All proceeds go toward research to find a cure.

Price: $5

Contact: 254-8014

Web site: >i>

Nonprofit: American Red Cross, Greater Richmond Chapter, provides disaster preparedness education, disaster relief, emergency services for members of the armed services, free transportation to and from vital medical appointments, and health and safety training.

Gift pick: 500 blankets to provide warmth to people in need.

Price: $2,500 ($5 each)

Contact: 780-2250

Web site:

Nonprofit: Delta Dental’s Smart Smiles is a public/private partnership that provides dental health education and dental treatment for Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond club members.

Gift pick: The average cost of a dental visit for an uninsured child.

Price: $100

Contact: 359-5250, ext. 221

Web site:

Nonprofit: Children’s Health Involving Parents, or CHIP of Greater Richmond, is a home-visiting agency that works in partnership with parents to improve the health and well-being of their children.

Gift pick: Many CHIP families do not have beds. Buy a bed and provide a warm, safe place for a child to sleep.

Price: $250

Contact: 233-2850

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Scottish Rite Childhood Language Center provides evaluations and treatment to children with communication disorders. Fees are based on their families’ ability to pay.

Gift pick: TalkTools Complete Oral-Motor Exercise Program to assess and treat children with oral motor and speech difficulties.

Price: $300

Contact: 266-6699

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Medical Society of Virginia Foundation acts as a catalyst to improve health and prevent disease in Virginia by harnessing the collective potential of the medical community for public service.

Gift pick: Encourage a passion for community service by providing a Virginia medical student with a small grant to implement a health improvement project that will positively impact the lives of vulnerable patients.

Price: $500

Contact: 377-1049

Web site:

Nonprofit: Medical Home Plus facilitates access to supports and services for children and youth, especially those with special needs and their families.

Gift pick: Xerox WorkCentre 7132

Price: $8,500, or $256 per month to lease.

Contact: 264-8428

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Northfield Foundation provides a safe haven for young women experiencing eating disorders or unplanned pregnancies. We will offer comprehensive medical treatment, counseling and education through supportive residential care and community based services.

Gift pick: Open our Richmond office: rental space, office equipment and supplies.

Price: $100,000

Contact: 399-4634

Web site:

Nonprofit: Community-Based Services works with adults with mental retardation to create opportunities for them to live a life like yours.

Gift pick: Real estate: a home where individuals with mental retardation can be supported in the community.

Price: Varies

Contact: 342-7366

Web site:


Nonprofit: Hilliard House, a transitional homeless community for women and children.

Gift pick: Bus cards ($5), movie tickets, gift cards to K-Mart. These items are used as incentives for positive growth in our community and birthday wishes.

Price: $5-$10

Contact: 236-5800, ext. 27

Web site:

Nonprofit: Flagler Services at St. Joseph’s Villa is a two-year transitional housing program for formerly homeless women and their children.

Gift pick: Full- and part-time jobs for Flagler women. These jobs qualify for an employer wage reimbursement for the first 90 days. Women’s educational level spans from high-school diploma to graduate degrees.

Price: Varies

Contact: 553-3230

Web site:

Nonprofit: Homeward is the Richmond region’s collective voice to prevent, reduce and end homelessness by facilitating creative solutions through the collaboration, coordination and cooperation of regional resources and services.

Gift Pick: Homeward conducts an annual Point-In-Time Count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. It serves as the region’s barometer for the number of people who find themselves homeless on any given day in our community. Provide the homeless people helping to complete the survey with bus tickets, calling cards and gift certificates for groceries in small denominations.

Price: Up to $2,000

Contact: 343-2045

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Daughters of Zelophehad is an ecumenical transitional housing program dedicated to helping homeless women become economically independent through a spiritually supportive residential training program. We are hoping to fulfill a wish for our families in transition.

Gift pick: One-year family membership for three families at the YMCA.

Price: $3,500

Contact: 714-0007

Nonprofit: Embrace Richmond provides furniture and household items to families exiting Richmond area shelters.

Gift pick: A used box truck to pick up and deliver furniture donations.

Price: $5,000

Contact: 218-4320

Web site:


Nonprofit: Meals on Wheels provides balanced, nutritious and appealing meals to seniors, people with disabilities and disadvantaged populations.

Gift pick: Help to eliminate our waiting list of hungry people in need of our service in our community. Provide a nutritious meal for homebound neighbors in need who cannot shop or cook for themselves.

Price: $5

Contact: 673-5035

Web site:

Nonprofit: Refugee and Immigration Services resettles refugees and assists immigrants, empowering them to rebuild their lives in a welcoming community.

Gift pick: Emerson clock/radio/CD player from Target (CHD9901T) to help newcomers learn English and get to work on time.

Price: $25

Contact: 355-4559, ext. 34

Web site:

Nonprofit: For more than 80 years William Byrd Community House has transformed the lives of children, youth and families by helping them move from dependency toward self-sufficiency.

Gift pick: A tankful of gas for our buses that pick up and take our folks to pre-school, after-school, teenage and seniors programs.

Price: $100

Contact: 643-2717

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Richmond Peace Education Center.

Gift pick: Underwrite a one-hour workshop in nonviolent conflict resolution skill-building for a worthy community group, such as a foster care home or an after-school program.

Price: $110

Contact: 232-1002

Web site:

Nonprofit: The James House Intervention/Prevention Services provides cost-free services to people who have experienced domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence and stalking.

Gift pick: Two kitchen tables and chairs

Price: $250 each

Contact: 458-2704

Web site:

Nonprofit: Not With These is a new Richmond nonprofit whose mission is to increase dialogue and civic engagement around issues of violence, and to link people to violence prevention resources in the Greater Richmond community. Its first project is the creation of a Greater Richmond Pledge of Non Violence, created by the community.

Gift pick: Poster printing (500 copies) for The Greater Richmond Pledge of Non Violence project.

Price: $425

Contact: 233-2687

Web site:

Nonprofit: Located in Fulton Hill, the Neighborhood Resource Center is a grass-roots educational and cultural center fostering personal growth and community change.

Gift pick: Hitachi Projector-Model CP-X253 (

Price: $900

Contact: 864-5797

Nonprofit: The Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods (A.C.O.R.N.) helps bring new life to Richmond’s old neighborhoods by promoting the purchase and renovation of vacant or abandoned buildings in these areas and advocating for the cultural and historic assets that give these communities their unique character.

Gift pick: Enable 300-400 volunteers to paint and repair at least 50 homes of low-income homeowners in the city’s East End during summer 2007 ($5,000). If that’s out of your range, how about a new copy/fax/scanner to ensure low-cost dissemination of information on how to find, finance and fix up houses in old Richmond neighborhoods?

Price: $800

Contact: 422-2148

Web site:

Nonprofit: Peter Paul Development Center, located in Church Hill, has provided outreach and community service programs for youth and senior citizens for 27 years.

Gift Pick: If you can’t afford an accessible minibus ($45,000), we need to provide transportation to and from Peter Paul for program participants and for field trips. Consider an LCD projector and screen for our after-school curriculum and senior programming.

Price: $2,600

Contact: 780-1195

Web site:

Nonprofit: Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation provides the Hispanic community with resources for information and services regarding immigration, employment, training, health services, education, legal assistance and more in order to enhance the economic and social well-being of the Hispanic community in Virginia.

Gift Pick: In addition to office furniture and supplies, we are in desperate need of a network server, workstations and printer to effectively maintain and operate the VAHCC Foundation programs, databases and services.

Price: $ 23,685

Contact: 306-4404

Web site:

Nonprofit: Through the Roof Ministry helps build playgrounds accessible to all children.

Gift pick: Playground equipment and materials.

Price: $90,000

Contact: 639-4777

Nonprofit: Legal Aid Justice Center provides legal assistance to low-income families and individuals in the Greater Richmond area, in such areas as eviction prevention, consumer protection and children’s rights.

Gift pick: Conference room furniture (chairs and tables); LCD projector; legal-size file cabinets.

Price: Varies

Contact: 643-1086

Web site:

Nonprofit: Boaz & Ruth is a re-entry program centered in Highland Park. We help people develop the skills and emotional competency needed to secure and maintain a job. Daily classes covering such subjects as conflict resolution, spiritual development, and healthy bodies and emotions prepare individuals to become contributing citizens. The opportunity for employment is the piece that can complete their transformation.

Gift pick: Employment opportunity for a Boaz & Ruth graduate.

Price: Varies

Contact: 329-4900, ext. 203

Web site:


Nonprofit: Rebuilding Together*Petersburg works to repair and modify the homes of low-income elderly and disabled residents using volunteer labor and donated materials. Our work allows residents to safely remain in their own homes.

Gift pick: Provide safety modifications in a bathroom with grab bars, tub seat, hand-held shower and more.

Price: $250

Contact: 861-8686

Nonprofit: The Lifelong Learning Institute in Chesterfield provides education, fitness and social networking for adults 50 and older.

Gift pick: Twelve 6-foot tables are needed for activities, along with a cart to store and move the tables from room to room. A piano in good condition.

Price: Tables, $51; cart, $400.

Contact: 378-2527

Web site:

Nonprofit: The Shepherd’s Center of Chesterfield is an organization of seniors who volunteer to improve the quality of life for other seniors by offering free transportation to medical appointments and for grocery shopping, a minor home-repair service and very low-cost lifelong learning classes.

Gift pick: Money to help defray the cost of the gasoline used by our volunteers, as they spend their own money on gas to transport seniors to and from medical appointments.

Price: $3,000

Contact: 706-9198

Web site:


Nonprofit: Christian Youth Theater gives kids the wings to reach high for their dreams one stage at a time, through professional classes in a wholesome, family-oriented environment. Unlike any other arts educational program in the state.

Gift pick: Give a child who otherwise can’t afford it the chance to take a 10-week session of classes.

Price: $160

Contact: 778-7979 or 839-5305

Web site:

Nonprofit: The United Methodist Urban Ministries of Richmond works toward a city of well-being (shalom). We provide resources, educate, coordinate and empower neighborhood-based ministry programs in the primary areas of feeding, education, mentoring, affordable and accessible housing, and job skills and jobs development.

Gift pick: Asset mapping software to collect, analyze and display community resources for use in collaborative improvement of Richmond neighborhoods.

Price: $950

Contact: 231-9285

Web site:

Nonprofit: Greater Ebenezer AME Church is a faith community that’s committed to community outreach and ecumenism, and provides spiritual support and encouragement to the residents of South Side Richmond.

Gift pick: A Roland or Korg keyboard

Price: $2,500-$3,000

Contact: 232-4155

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