

ADA Gallery “Sugar,” the works of Sandra Luckett, Nicole Cherubini and J.M. Henry, opens with a reception, Feb 4, 7-10 p.m. Through February. 228 W. Broad St. 644-0100.

Art6 Gallery “Orlando Furioso,” works by 19 artists, opens with a reception, Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. Through Feb. 27. 6 E. Broad St. 343-1406.

Brazier Fine Art Gallery “Critters on Canvas” runs Feb. 8-27. 3401 W. Cary St. 359-2787.

C3 “Swords Into Plowshares,” a traveling installation by Christopher Humes and Noah Scalin, opens with a reception, Feb. 5, 4-7 p.m. Also, works by Daniel Calder and E. Angelina Shaw hang through Feb. 3. 1801 E. Cary St. 474-3639.

Dosé Café A show of the work of Andrew Israel Scantlebury opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 7-10 p.m. Through Feb. 28. 522 N. Second St. 283-6773.

Gallery at Corporate and Museum Frame An exhibition of work by “Young Photographers” opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 7-10 p.m. Through March 2. 310 W. Broad St. 643-6858.

Hand Workshop Art Center “Adaptation Syndrome: Painting in Contemporary Image Culture” opens with a panel discussion at Grace Street Theater, Feb. 4, 4-6 p.m., and reception at the Hand Workshop, 6-8 p.m. The show runs through March 13. 1812 W. Main St. 353-0094.

Henry Street Gallery A photography exhibition by Peter Beck, Thea Duskin, Heather Frich and others opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 7:30-11 p.m. Through Feb. 26. 422 W. Broad St. 247-1491.

Main Art Gallery “Drawing” by Diana Detamore opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 7-9 p.m. Through February 28. 1537 W. Main St. 359-3499.

Reynolds Gallery “Adaptation Syndrome: The Private Future,” work by Ziga Kariz in conjunction with the Hand Workshop Art Center, opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 6-8 p.m. Through March 12. 1514 W. Main St. 355-6553.

Richmond Public Library “The Beauty of Russia Through a Photographic Lens” and works by Richard L. Leslie, Milly Gresko and Clinton Helms open with a reception, Feb. 4, 7-9 p.m. Through March 1. 101 E. Franklin St. 646-4740.

Solvent Space The new gallery space within Plant Zero Art Center, organized by VCU School of Arts and the department of painting and printmaking, presents “Pillow Talk,” an exhibition by James Hyde, through April 2. 0 E. Fourth St. 726-4442.

Upcast Gallery “Metaphysical Tools,” works by Crimson Rain McCaslin, opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 7-10 p.m. Through Feb. 28. 321 Brook Road. 651-2537.

Uptown Gallery The all-member exhibition features single works from contributing artists. The show runs through Feb. 26. 1305 W. Main St. 353-8343.

VCU Fine Arts Building The VCU fine arts departments present an open graduate studios event featuring painting, printmaking, video, ceramics and more, Feb. 4, 7-9 p.m. 1000 W. Broad St. 828-1477.

Visual Art Studio “2 to 3: dimensional art for all spaces,” photography by Paul Troy, opens with a reception, Feb. 4, 7-10 p.m. Through March 12. 208 W. Broad St. 644-1368.


1708 Gallery “More Than a Perfect World,” new work by Hiroshi Kimura, Chris Chase and Erling Sjovold, runs through Feb. 22. There is a reception, Feb. 4, 8-10 p.m. 319 W. Broad St. 643-1708.

Anderson Gallery “Pivot Points,” an artistic study of mentorship, and “Penumbra,” sculpture by Genna Watson, runs through March 6. 907 1/2 W. Franklin St. 828-1522.

Artspace An exhibition of paintings by Terrie Powers, “ID-Visible,” and paintings by Igor Filippov, “Dreams of King,” runs through Feb. 20. 0 E Fourth St. 232-6464.

Art Works An exhibition of works by Alessandra Ramirez, Terry Smith and Linda Winkler, plus the January 2005 All Media Show and “Provence and Giverny by Watercolor,” runs through Feb. 20. 320 Hull St. 291-1400.

Brazier Fine Art “Paintings for the New Year by Gallery Artists” features the works of 40 artists, through Feb. 5. 3401 W. Cary St. 359-2787.

Crossroads Gallery “Print It!” a collection of prints, continues through Feb. 10. 2016 Staples Mill Road. 278-8950.

Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen “Epiphany: Inspired Revelations,” oil portraits and landscapes by Chauyi Gao and Erjun Zhao, through Mar. 12. 2880 Mountain Road. 261-6200.

Flippo Gallery “Raw Shark,” recent work by Chris Norris, continues through Feb. 4. 211 N. Center St. 752-3018.

Hand Workshop Art Center “Adaptation Syndrome: Painting in Contemporary Image Culture” runs through March 13. 1812 W. Main St. 353-0094.

Montpelier Center for Arts and Education An art exhibition, “Landscapes of the Mind,” runs through Feb. 28. 17205 Mountain Road. 883-7378.

Petersburg Regional Art Center “Rocks and Rills and Temple Hills,” and other shows run through January. The January All Media Show features paintings and ceramics by Audrie Miller, Justin Gohde, Gigi Brothers and others, and runs through Feb. 4. 132 N. Sycamore St. 733-8200.

Pine Camp Arts and Community Center “Door of No Return,” an exhibition featuring artistic interpretations of the titular slavery icon, runs through March 18. 4901 Old Brook Road. 646-3677.

Rentz Gallery The Small Works Invitational features more than 150 works of sculpture, photography and painting, and runs through Feb. 28. 1700 W. Main St. 358-5338.

Reynolds Gallery “Amnesia,” new paintings by Heide Trepanier, and “The Art of Aggression: Iraqi Stories and Other Tales,” a collection of work by Wayne Gonzales, Emily Jacir, An-My Le and others, run through March 12. 1514 W. Main St. 355-6553.

White Canvas Gallery “Home on the Range,” colored pencil drawings by Jeanne Goodman, and an exhibition of mixed-media pieces by Vicki Bruner, run through Feb. 16. 111 S. 14th St. 782-1776.


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