

ADA Gallery “Struggles,” porcelain figures by Rob Tarbell. Also work by Roberley Bell and Mitch Miller. Reception Nov. 16 at 6 p.m. Through Dec. 15. 228 W. Broad St. 644-0100.

Crossroads Art Center All media show juried by Earl Taylor and exhibits by Chris Wynn and Nathan Pope. Also, book signings by Mary Montague Sikes and K.B. Basseches. Reception at 6 p.m. on Nov. 16 Through Dec. 26. 2016 Staples Mill Road. 278-8950.

Eric Schindler Gallery “Black and Color Paintings,” by Thomas Van Auken. Reception at 7 p.m. on Nov. 16. Through Dec. 21. 2305 E. Broad St. 644-5005.

Glave Kocen Gallery “Sidestreets,” an invitational gallery exhibit of Richmond scenes. Reception at 7 p.m. on Nov. 16. Through Dec. 22. 1620 W. Main St. 358-1990.

Northside Artists’ Annual Open Studio Work by 22 artists on display at four North Side locations: 1407, 1514 and 1519 Westwood Ave. and 3311 Suffolk Ave. 353-7277.

White Canvas Gallery “Holiday Show,” work by Anderson Giles, Stever Perrault, Eldridge Bagley and Ben Barnes. Reception at 4 p.m. on Nov. 17. Through Jan. 2. 111 S. 14th St. 782-1776.


1708 Gallery “Salt and Earth,” by Young Kim. Though Dec. 1. 319 W. Broad St. 643-7839.

Art6 Gallery “ThinkSmall4,” an international minature invitational exhibition. Through Dec. 22. 5 E. Broad St. 343-1406.

Artemis Gallery “Salon des Refuses V,” featuring artwork rejected by other galleries. 1601 W. Main St. 254-1755.

Artspace Gallery “ThinkSmall4,” an international minature invitational exhibition. Through Dec. 22. 0 E. Fourth St. 232-6464.

Art Works “The Mid-Atlantic Group Exhibition,” works by Jason Louis Arkles, Lee Johnson, Henry Wingate and Charles Phillip Brooks; all media show juried by Sarah Masters; “Havana Clique” by Sheila Thomas; “Other Places” by Virginia Godfrey; “The Art of Surviving III” by Terry Lynn Smith; “Fugitive Visions” by Santa Sergio DeHaven. Through Nov. 18. 320 Hull St. 291-1400.

Crossroads Coffee Shop Oil Paintings by Chase Lanier. Through November. 26 N Morris St. 355-3559

Glen Allen Cultural Center “Interpetations of the James,” paintings by Virginia artists. Through Dec. 29. 2880 Mountain Road. 261-ARTS.

The Friend House Gallery Paintings by Carol Meese. 27 Bollingbrook St. 931-1370.

Flippo Gallery “Everything but the Kitchen Sink,” work by 21 artists, and “The Under Skin,” by Tonya Hastings Gill. Through Nov. 16. 211 N. Center St. 752-3018.

Gallery5 “Big Bang,” by Lucien Dulfan. Through Dec. 27. 200 W. Marshall St. 644-0008.

Gallery 5800 “On the James, James River Park Series,” by Andras Bality. Through Dec. 2. 5800 Grove Ave. 285-0774.

Ghostprint Gallery “Perros Negros,” art by Juan Perdiguero. Through Dec. 1. 220 W. Broad St. 344-1557.

Ginger Levit Atelier “Incandescent Luminosity,” the paintings of Christine Lafuente. 1607 W. Main St. 740-1471.

Jager Gallery “Sterling Adornments,” by Jane Jeffrey. Through Dec. 26. 6939 Lakeside Ave. 262-2931.

Jennifer Young Studio and Gallery “Luminosity” by Jennifer Young. Through Nov. 30. 16 E. Main St. 254-1008.

Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art “Four Seasons: A Print Series by Jennifer Bartlett” runs through July 13. 287-6632.

Main Art Gallery “Strictly Drawing II,” work by 12 local artists. Through Nov. 30. 1537 W. Main St. 359-3499.

Page Bond Gallery “Wedges, Ducks and Heroes,” paintings by Stephen Clark, and “Scrittura,” mixed media by Kathleeen Markowitz. Through Dec. 1. 1625 W. Main St. 359-3633.

Petersburg Area Art League “Nature’s Inspirational Treasures,” by the Artistic Ladies. “Portraits,” by local artists. Through Dec. 9. 7 E. Old St. 861-4611.

Richmond Montessori School Paintings by Kathryn Henry-Choisser. Through Nov. 29. 499 N. Parham Road. 741-0040.

Sycamore Rouge Art by Alison Chase Radcliffe. Through Dec. 6. 21 W. Old St., Petersburg. 957-5707.

Visual Art Studio “In My Brother’s Memory,” a benefit exhibition for Good Neighbor Village. Through Nov. 30. 208 W. Broad St. 644-1368.

Quirk Gallery “Sparkle Plenty3,” art jewelry and metal work by 22 artists. Through Dec. 22. 311 W. Broad St. 644-5450.

Red Door Gallery “Painting Vistas and Inner Visions: Paintings by Vera Dickerson” and “Toward Essenence: Paintings by Jim Condron.” Through Nov. 18. 1607 W. Main St. 358-0211.

Reynolds Gallery “New Paintings” by Richard Roth and “Glass Box Paintings: 1995-2007” by James Hyde. Through Dec. 15. 1514 W. Main St. 355-6553.

Richmond Public Library “Europa: Ireland to Scotland,” paintings by Steven Walker, Gellman Room. “Wonder,” photographs by Beverly L. Nelson, Dooley Foyer and Dooley Hall. “Beach Works,” arranged by Helen Whitehead, 2nd Floor Gallery. 101 E. Franklin St. 646-4256.

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church “Georgia, Land of Poetry,” by John Wurdeman V. Through Nov. 30. 8706 Quaker Lane. 272-0992.

Solvent Space in Plant Zero Mural by Stephen Westfall. Through Dec. 1. 0 E. Fourth St. 869-6051.

SunTrust Gallery Mixed media by the Richmond Metropolitan Artist Association. Through Nov. 30. 919 E. Main St. 288-8843.

University of Richmond Museums “The Inner Eye: Folk Art of India From the William and Ann Oppenhimer Collection” and “The Sacred and the Senusous,” through June 29. “Castings in Contemporary Ceramics” by eight artists, through Dec. 16. “Ceramic Portraits: The Georganna Yeager Johns Collection of Royal Doulton Character Jugs,” through June 29. 289-8276.

Uptown Gallery All Media Exhibit by the Metropolitan Richmond Artists Association. Through Dec. 7. 1305 W. Main St. 288-8843.

Westwood Club “The Glory of Nature,” landscapes by Sheila Holland. Through Jan. 6. 6200 W. Club Lane. 740-1471.

White Canvas Gallery “Travels,” new work by North Carolina artist Kay Hutchison. Through Nov. 15. 111 S. 4th St. 782-1776.

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