When researching previously hidden history, knowing where to start can be difficult. Join us for a workshop to learn strategies for conducting research related to Queer history.
Guest presenters Blake McDonald, grants and survey specialist at the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and coordinator of DHR’s LGBTQ+ heritage initiative, and Amanda Davis, project manager with the NYC LGBTQ Historic Sites Project, will discuss their work documenting and uncovering queer history and queer spaces and share their approach to queer research, including resources and tips for overcoming obstacles. Library of Virginia staff members will also present information on collection resources available for learning more about Queer history. Participants will have time to ask questions concerning their own research and browse identified resources.
For more information, contact Mary Ann Mason at maryann.mason@lva.virginia.gov or 804.692.3648.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required. Limited free parking is available underneath the Library at 800 East Broad Street.
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