History Blooms is a three-day program featuring special lectures, workshops and demonstrations, and other engaging activities focused on Virginia history, gardening, and landscape preservation. Also, several dozen stunning floral displays prepared by the Garden Club of Virginia’s member clubs will be presented throughout the museum allowing guests to “Step into the Garden.” Be sure to cast your ballot for the “People’s Choice Award.”
Friday, Feb. 28 – Presentations & Workshops
10:00 am – The Perfect Centerpiece with Mary Spotswood Underwood
10:30 am – Seasonal Flower Fun with Meg Laughon and Foxie Morgan
10:30 am – Celebrating a Cutting Garden with Peggy Singlemann
12:00 pm – Lunch Presentation and Book Signing – The Story of Baking in the American South: It’s Roots, Recipes, and Remembrances with Anne Bryn
2:00 pm – Home in Bloom with Ariella Chezar
5:00 pm – Evening Lecture with light refreshments – All Gardens Tell a Story with Ben Page
Friday, Feb, 28 to Sunday, Mar. 2 – In Gallery Displays
Magnificent floral displays will be on view throughout the museum for the full three-day event and are included with daily museum admission.