One of the most important metal bands of the ’80s was Voivod. Along with Metallica, Slayer and Megadeath, the Canadian group reinvigorated the genre with a focused musical tenacity that eluded the hair-sprayed idiots of the day. Released in 1989, “Nothingface” — the band’s fifth and most influential album — was a landmark achievement in the merger of progressive rock, psychedlia, punk and metal. Since then, the band has continued to push the parameters of the genre with varying degrees of success, but always challenging the perception of what a metal band should be. On Sunday, Feb. 14, the latest incarnation of the group — featuring founding members, drummer Michel Langevin and vocalist Denis Bélanger — plays at Strange Matter. Opening is Vektor from Philadelphia, the Oregon female trio Eight Bells, and hometown favorites Vorator. Doors open at 7 p.m. $20-$25.