I don’t like seeing music in big venues. To me, the larger the venue, the more impersonal the experience becomes. I’d rather stay home listening to music than go out for an overpriced show where the performers are distant specks on the horizon. On Sunday, March 6, you can get up close and personal with music when the Tarrant Trio plays Millie’s Diner. The internationally acclaimed restaurant on Church Hill holds shows once every blue moon, and for my money, it’s one of the best places in the city to see music. The roots rock Americana of the Tarrant Trio is perfect for Millie’s intimate confines. It’s an acoustic-based sound that was meant to be heard at close range. Doors open at 8 p.m. Admission is $5. Adding to down home experience, Millie’s will offer a buffet of its culinary creations for $5. milliesdiner.com.