Event Pick: Shreddathon 2016 at Bandito’s Burrito Lounge

Feb. 18

There are two things in music I know to be true: Led Zeppelin ruined rock ’n’ roll and Eddie Van Halen ruined rock guitar. That’s not to say both aren’t talented, because they are, but talent is the most overrated virtue in music, especially in rock. On Thursday, Feb. 18, aspiring six-string gymnasts inspired in some form or fashion by those hammers of the gods will engage in electrified battle at Bandito’s for Shreddathon 2016. Guitarists will have 60 seconds to showcase their fret-board wizardry before a panel of discerning judges, including Municipal Waste and Iron Reagan singer Tony Foresta, Lamb of God bassist John Campbell, Gwar frontman Michael Bishop, Rich Hanson and Bandito’s owner Sean McClain. Best lick-master of the evening will walk away with a James Hetfield signature edition Iron Cross electric guitar from Guitar Center. An always-entertaining affair, doors for the RVA Magazine-sponsored competition open at 10 p.m. Free. banditosburritolounge.com.


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