If you see people leaping into the frigid waters of the James River on Saturday, Jan. 30, don’t call the police to report mass hysteria. These brave souls are taking the inhospitable plunge to make life better for us all. Shiver in the River is the annual fundraising event for Keep Virginia Beautiful, taking place at Historic Tredegar from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. It will feature jumps into the icy winter waters, charity walks and runs and a community cleanup of the region’s most valuable natural resource that now, because of a ruling by the State Water Control Board earlier this month, is a dumping ground for treated wastewater from Dominion’s coal ash pits. The family-enriching festivities include heated tents with vendors, refreshments and music performances as well as information on how to lessen your environmental footprint. Call 665-2908 or visit shiverintheriver.com.