Event Pick: PitchBlak Brass Band at Balliceaux

March 12

Seems like every city has a young, hip-hop-influenced brass band taking its music to the people these days. And Richmond was there early, y’all — we don’t get to say that often. The Brooklyn-based PitchBlak Brass Band is a true melting-pot group — its membership features mixed ethnicities and genders — brass ladies represent! — with black and white rappers up front. The important thing is that the musicians can play and when they hit the stage everybody’s on the same nonstop party page. A video of the band performing a loose and funky cover of Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody” is worth seeking out. The group also holds a monthly series in New York at Manhattan Inn known as the PitchBlak Playlist, so expect honed showmanship. The in-yo-face, swagger-as-lifestyle, brass-hop party commences when PitchBlak Brass pulls into Balliceaux on Saturday night, March 12, at 10:30. The 21-and-older show costs $5.


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